Some words that can be made with the letters in summertime are:
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The words that I can get from the word 'caught' are:aactahataughtcatchatchugcutguthahaghathughuttagthugtugughUtah
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Some words you can make from the word PHOTOGRAPH are:aahagoaptartgapgatorgogoatgoogoopgotgothgraphgroathahagharphathathhohoghoophoorahhoothophotoatoathohorpapappatpathphotopoopoohpooppoorpopportpotpropropragraptratrootrottagtaptartarotarptotogatootopTorahtraptroop
407 words
Some words that can be made from the letters in summertime sunlight are:emeritusemir, emirsemit, emitsemu, emusereestergiltginglintglutguiltgungustguthihinthishithughunghuntIimmerseimmure, immuresinire, iresisit, itsitem, itemslintlistlitlunglustmeet, meetsmere, merestmerit, meritsmeter, meters, metresmime, mimes,mistermite, mitesmiter, miters, mitresMum, mumsmummer, mummersmummiesmusternightnilnitnutremit, remitsrestresumerim, rimsrime, rimesriserite, ritesrue, ruesrum, rumsruserustrut, rutsseeseemseerserumsetshinshunsighsightsignsiltsimmersinsingsirsiresitsiteslingslitslugslungslutsmitesmutsteerstemstingstirstrumstungsuesuetsuitsuitesumsum,summersummitsuretee, teesteem, teemsterm, termstersethintitie, tiestier, tierstime, timestimer, timerstintire, tirestree, treestriestrim, trimstrue, truismtummiesumunitunlitususe, user
Some words that can be found using the letters of "summertime" are:ImmerseMummiesTummiesMeritsMisterResumeSimmerSummerSummitMusterTerseEmitsResetResitSteerMimesStrum
The word summertime has 3 syllables. Sum/mer/time. Three
Summertime has three syllables.
Yes, the word summertime is a compound noun; a word made up of the noun 'summer' and the noun 'time' forming a noun with its own meaning. Example sentence:The summertime went by quickly.
British Summertime - novel - has 341 pages.
The word 'summertime' is the object of the preposition 'in'. The gerund, hiking is the object of the verb 'avoid'.
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That is the correct spelling of the word "summer", also "summertime".
"Summertime" can function as both a noun and an adverb. As a noun, it refers to the season of summer. As an adverb, it modifies a verb, usually indicating that something is happening during the summer.
I think it is 15 beats before the first verse in the song summertime.=]
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