Line, nice, cone, Nile, coil.
The letters spell the word chancel.
The letters can be used to spell farce plans. Each of the words use 5 of the 10 letters FSPECANLAR.
Here are some of the words which the letters IPRCAIA can spell;CarpParCarArcAriaRapCrapAirPair
Those letters will spell the words coral or carol.
The 7 letters LCRAEPP can spell "clapper", and many other words, some 5 and 6 letter words are :parcelcarpelrappelplacercaperclearpalerapplepacerpaperpearlplacerecap
The letters spell the 6 letter word crouch. The letters can be used to spell the 5 letter words couch and occur. They also can be used to spell hour and ouch.
Those letters spell antic.
Unscrambled, the letters 'CTOONY' spell the word 'tycoon'.
There is no anagram for the letters OACARO (two A, two O, R and C). The letters can spell the words orca, arc, car, coo, oar, or, and a.
The letters spell the word calked. They also spell the word lacked.
they spell nothing because there is no vowels!