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Q: How many words can you make using these letters of alphabet without the letter p?
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How do you finger spell in sign language?

Fingerspelling in sign language involves using your fingers to represent each letter of the alphabet. Each letter is signed using specific handshapes and movements. To fingerspell, you simply form the letters of the word using the manual alphabet. Practice and familiarity with the manual alphabet are essential for fluent fingerspelling.

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Q: How many letters of alphabet can you make using 5 squares?

Write a program using a loop to output all the letters of the alphabet in uppercase?

Here's the code for your program: # Loop through the uppercase alphabet letters for letter in range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1): print(chr(letter)) BTW you can use this code in Python and try it out for yourself.

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26*25*24*23*22*21*20*19 = 62,990,928,000