

Best Answer

Answer 1

Some words that can be made with the letters in 'mellow' are:

  1. ell
  2. elm
  3. lo
  4. low
  5. me
  6. meow
  7. mole
  8. mow
  9. owl
  10. we
  11. well
  12. woe

Answer 2

3-letter words

ere, ern, eth, hen, her, het, hie, hin, hit, ire, nee, net, nit, nth, ree, rei, ret, rin, tee, ten, tet, the, tie, tin, tit

4-letter words

erne, heir, hent, here, hern, hint, hire, nett, rein, rent, rete, rite, teen, tent, tern, teth, thee, then, thin, thir, tier, tine, tint, tire, tree, tret

5-letter words

enter, ether, inert, inter, ither, niter, nitre, rente, retie, teeth, tenet, tenth, terne, thein, their, there, thine, three, titer, tithe, titre, treen, trine, trite

6-letter words

either, entire, herein, hinter, hitter, inhere, nether, netter, retine, retint, tenter, tentie, tether, theine, tinter, tither, triene

7-letter words

neither, nettier, tentier, therein

8-letter words


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