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A, I

At, In, It, Ma, On, To

Ant, Gin, Got, Ion, Man, Mat, Nag, Nit, Not, Tag, Tan, Tin




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Q: How many words can you make from imagination?
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How do you not copy something that inspires you?

You can make it into your own words. Use your imagination and you will know what to do.

What is something to over imagination that means make fanciful statements?

draw on ones imagination

What does the brain make up?

your imagination

What should I do for Saturday Disney letter of the week?

Make what you love about the show, or make your favourite character (unless someone has already done that). Try to make something artistic for them, In other words, use your imagination!

How can make a real Pokemon?

With your imagination in dreamland

How do you make the food from the movie Hook?

With your Imagination!

How do you make an Athena costume?

Use your imagination.

What sentence has all the words starting with c?

Clarice Cow chewed cud carefully. Chester can claw crabs. There are as many as the imagination can create...

How many words can you make from stocking?

Words you can make with the letters in stocking are:stockkingsocksicktickstickkinsintintonsonsingsongcoinstingoninisittosogonocon

How do you make a car made of pasta?

Use your imagination.

Why wont you make a halo4?

its been made in your imagination.

Why did they make Pokemon?

to entertain kids and show imagination