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I got well over 300. I had to do this in school. Many words can be created using the letters concerned. If you can think of any others, please check that they are not already included in the list, and then add them in the same format as present.

microscope, mania, micro, scope, men, man, cop, mop, mope, cope, soap, poison, can, corpse, car, moose, sane, son, nope, rope, pan, scan, ran, scrape, pan, rap, cap, map, nap, score, Rom, poor, core, miner, moan, moaner, moaners, roam, more, mom, pro, sonic, room, scam, so, pose, prom, prime, me, moon, in, an, sin, crop, mine, ice, rice, price, rose, nose, noise, nip, aim, ape, ear, era, care, reason, mic, cape, cramp, ramp, ram, crime, sap, sip, simmer, rain, main, scoop, spoon, pain, pine, coop, crane, mane, mope, pen, rim, camera, pore, sop, rise, prism, prone, snore, minor, spine, manic, car, snipe, sniper, pace, mince, panic, a, mimic, maroon, sore, scream, pea, scare, peas, armies, names, name, Maine, poem, are, no, on, nor, soar, soon, mason, rip, some, mean, aero, nap, moo, mane, oar, maniac, America, picnic, or, corp, mine, crane, miner, mono, sir, sire, race, case, cream, marina, cone, panic, spam, coarse, cane, Opera, cacao, cocoa, corn, nose, main, nice, air, pin, one, ocean, oar, ice, ice cap, raisin, picnic, sperm, macaroni, mini cooper, Ario.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Oh, what a delightful challenge! Let's see, from "Microscope Mania," you can make words like "man," "scope," "main," "mice," "rain," and many more. Remember, it's not about the quantity of words you find, but the joy of exploring and discovering new combinations. Happy word hunting, my friend!

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Q: How many words can you make from Microscope Mania?
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How many microscopes did zacharias jansen make in his lifetime?

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