The letters can be used to spell the 6 letter words beetle and helmet. They spell the 5 letter words melee and theme. They can be used to spell the 4 letter words beet, belt, heel, helm, meet, melt, thee and them.
Words that can be made from the letters in 'giraffe' are:aageairarearfeareraergfafagfairfarfarefearfiefifefigfirfirefraggaffgaffergargeargriefIifireRaragrageriferiffrig
Words that can be made with the letters in 'January' are:aajaranaurajarjayjurynarynayrayrayrunurnyarn
· ornament · O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Christmas Carol)
who wrote "the little road to Bethlehem"
Bethlehem is in Palestine.
Star Over Bethlehem has 80 pages.
bows bells Bethlehem
"Slouching Towards Bethlehem" by Joan Didion has around 238 pages in most editions.
Words that can be made from CYBERSPACE are:Aaceacreapeareasayebarbarebasebaybebearbeebeepbeerbetbracebybyecabcapcapecapercarcarecaseceasecrabcraycreasecreepcrepecryeareaseeraescapepapaceparparsepaypeapearpeacepeerperpraypreypryraceraperasprayreaprebarsapsayscabscarscarescrapscrapeseaseeseepseerspacesparsparespayspearsprayspreespyyapyaryearyes
Words that can be made from the letters in Casablanca are:aalaalasalbananalasbaabalsabanbanalcabcabalcabalacabanacancanalcasabaclanlalabnabnasalsacscabscanslab
Words that can be made from the letters in 'giraffe' are:aageairarearfeareraergfafagfairfarfarefearfiefifefigfirfirefraggaffgaffergargeargriefIifireRaragrageriferiffrig