Some words you can make with Mississippi are:
This one is limited by using only one vowel.
Just one - Mississippi. I checked the Scrabble dictionary and Webster's Second International dictionary (around 250,000 words in each).
The words that I can get from the word 'caught' are:aactahataughtcatchatchugcutguthahaghathughuttagthugtugughUtah
ya,am,my are the words from the word 'may'
Some words you can make from the word PHOTOGRAPH are:aahagoaptartgapgatorgogoatgoogoopgotgothgraphgroathahagharphathathhohoghoophoorahhoothophotoatoathohorpapappatpathphotopoopoohpooppoorpopportpotpropropragraptratrootrottagtaptartarotarptotogatootopTorahtraptroop
Yes, "Mississippi" is a compound word made up of the words "Miss" and "issippi."
Just one - Mississippi. I checked the Scrabble dictionary and Webster's Second International dictionary (around 250,000 words in each).
There are four eSes in the word Mississippi.
There are 11 letters in the word "Mississippi."
their are 11letters in the word Mississippi
58,164 words.
The word "Mississippi" has four syllables. Syllables are determined by the number of vowel sounds in a word, and "Mississippi" has four distinct vowel sounds: /i/ - /s/ - /i/ - /p/. Each of these sounds corresponds to a syllable in the word.
There are a total of eleven letters in Mississippi. However, there are only four actual letters in Mississippi: M, I, S and P.