

Best Answer

Some words that can be made with the letters in 'surprise' are:

  1. I
  2. ire, ires
  3. is
  4. issue, issuer
  5. per
  6. pi
  7. pie, pies
  8. pier, piers
  9. press
  10. pries
  11. prise
  12. pure
  13. purse, purses
  14. pus
  15. puss
  16. rip, rips
  17. ripe
  18. rise, rises
  19. rue, rues
  20. ruse, ruses
  21. sip, sips
  22. sir, sirs
  23. sire
  24. sirup, sirups
  25. sis
  26. speirs
  27. spies
  28. spire, spires
  29. sprue, sprues
  30. spue, spues
  31. spur, spurs
  32. sue, sues
  33. sup, sups
  34. super, supers
  35. sure
  36. up, ups
  37. uprise, uprises
  38. us
  39. use, uses
  40. user, users
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How many vowels in surprise?

There are three vowels in the word surprise... In order, they are... u - i - e

What is another word for shock meaning surprise?

Another word for shock in the context of surprise is jolt.You could also use the words awe and excitement.

Is surprise a conjunction?

No, surprise is not a conjunction. A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Surprise is a noun or a verb used to describe a feeling of astonishment or unexpectedness.

Was Leslie's death a surprise?

Yes, Leslie's death was unexpected and came as a surprise to many people.

What is a surprise that is not a surprise?

A surprise that is supposed to be a surprise but isn't a surprise is a spoiled surprise.

Is suprise a onomatopoeia?

No, "surprise" is not an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia are words that imitate the sound they describe, such as "buzz" or "meow." "Surprise" represents a sudden feeling or experience, rather than a sound.

How many toys are their of gems surprise?
