Some words that can be made with the letters in 'surprise' are:
Well, its very simple. If you have two pieces then its no surprise that you can have seven people play. NOT no brainer it depends on how many pieces you have
Twilight has 115,362 words in it.
407 words
34 words (not including single letter words)
about 95 words
Surprise Try using a Thesaurus for more words that mean surprise.
Some words that rhyme with surprise and begin with the letter C are: comprise, reprise, and apprise.
The Circus Surprise has 32 pages.
Shanghai Surprise has 246 pages.
sunrise surprise
There are three vowels in the word surprise... In order, they are... u - i - e
Another word for shock in the context of surprise is jolt.You could also use the words awe and excitement.
No, surprise is not a conjunction. A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Surprise is a noun or a verb used to describe a feeling of astonishment or unexpectedness.
Yes, Leslie's death was unexpected and came as a surprise to many people.
A surprise that is supposed to be a surprise but isn't a surprise is a spoiled surprise.
No, "surprise" is not an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia are words that imitate the sound they describe, such as "buzz" or "meow." "Surprise" represents a sudden feeling or experience, rather than a sound.