There are many, but here are some examples:
There are at least 8,801 five-letter words in the English language.
Allow, alone, anole and hello are five letter words. Additional words include whale, wheel and whole.
The only English word is chaos.
There are many five letter words with no vowels. Crypt, Cysts, Dryly, Flyby, Glyph and Gypsy are some examples. If you don't consider Y a vowel!
4 - enter, rente, treen, terne
There are at least 8,801 five-letter words in the English language.
Five letter words that can be made from the letters in 'knighthood' are:dingodoingingotnightthighthingthinkthong
Five letter words that can be made from the letters 'one hundred' are:droneendedendererodeheronhonedhordehoundroundudderunder
Some five letter words that can be made from the letters in conclusion are:coliccolonconiclocusonionscionsonicunionAnd some plural forms for four letter words:coilscoinscoolsiconslionsloinsloonsnouns
Five letter words that can be made with the letters in 'Thanksgiving' are:agingangstankhsgainsgaitsgangsgiantgnashgnatshangshankshintskingsknishknitsnightninthsaintsatinshanksightstainstankstingstinktanksthankthingthinkthinsvisitvista
Four words can be made:enterrenteternetreen
One - Almond.
Five letter words that can be made form the letters in 'apparition' are:aortaapartapronpaintpatiopianopintopointprintratiotapirtiaratraintrona
Allow, alone, anole and hello are five letter words. Additional words include whale, wheel and whole.
i can only think of faith right now sorry!!