Could be anywhere from a single Ultra Ball to dozens upon dozens of them. It mainly depends on your luck, though it will be easier if you weaken it and give it a status effect.
yes i have don it i know how to get a master ball its on tresre island I just did capture articuno 10 mins ago..... how i did it...... FIRST: get Pokemon that learn swagger/confuse ray etc. then get a Pokemon (could be same one that learnt confuse..) that learns thunder wave, also have about 10-20 ultra balls .... SECOND: find the Pokemon and use thunder wave to paralyze it... then hurt it so it has orange health.. once you have it on orange health and paralyzed use confuse to confuse it..... LASTLY: use ultra balls to capture it (the more you throw the more likely you will capture it...)
Take at least 18
Beat her more times or capture Giratina on the Spring Path in the back of Turnback Cave. Or go find Buck and then go to the end of Stark Mountain to capture Heatran. For Giratina get Ultra Balls and for Heatran get Dusk Balls or Ultra Balls. Have FUN!!
For Zapdos: Go through the power plant and use your master ball, If Master ball has been used then attempt to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Moltres: Go to Mt. Ember and climb to the summit and Moltres will be waiting. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Articuno: Go to the Sea foam caves and move the boulders through the empty holes ( Strenght HM Is needed ) Articuno is tricky to catch. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball.
i would suggest dusk and ultra balls but if you want to capture it without lowering its hp get a friends lugia and use repeat balls
I would Recommend Ultra balls.
That is happening because you didn't make the Articuno go to sleep.Just buy a few ultra balls, battle Articuno, weaken Articuno, use a move that will make it fall asleep, use an ultra ball while it's asleep, and then, you've captured it.
Well, when i caught Articuno on fire red i brought 20 great balls, and 20 ultra balls with me, ended up capturing him on my 2nd ultra ball.... first i paralysed him using Thunderwave (i used Jolteon) then got him low and used confuse ray (i used :apras) so now Articuno has low hp and paralysis and confusion then all i had to do was use 2 ultra balls (i recommend using ultra balls, don't use the masterball, save it for later) GOOD LUCK :)
yes i have don it i know how to get a master ball its on tresre island I just did capture articuno 10 mins ago..... how i did it...... FIRST: get Pokemon that learn swagger/confuse ray etc. then get a Pokemon (could be same one that learnt confuse..) that learns thunder wave, also have about 10-20 ultra balls .... SECOND: find the Pokemon and use thunder wave to paralyze it... then hurt it so it has orange health.. once you have it on orange health and paralyzed use confuse to confuse it..... LASTLY: use ultra balls to capture it (the more you throw the more likely you will capture it...)
Do you mean articuno then simply use many ultra balls after weakening it.
there are seel and articuno lv 50 come stocked with ultra balls
You do not need waterfall. You need strength, 30 or so ultra balls and surf.
Weaken it to red hp, paralyze it then start throwing a bunch of ultra balls.
Take at least 18
You can capture Palkia through Mt Corner in the Spear Pillar and use balls like Great and Ultra Balls of course.
Weaken it to red HP, paralyze it or make it sleep then use many ultra balls.
Weaken it to red HP, paralyze or make it sleep then use as many ultra balls as you can.