The amount of times you need to headbutt a tree to find a Pokemon can vary. Sometimes, it may only take one try to find a Pokemon. Other trees may never hold Pokemon for you.
You have to battle lance many times; then he should give you his phone number. I think it's five times IN A ROW.
I think you get when you own 250 Pokemon but I'm not sure because I can't get the Pokemon through the GTS I need to get that many.
I know you can get Drowzee just below Goldenrod City, before the Day Care. But there aren't that many psychic Pokemon to find. I know what you mean!!
4 blue shards i think teach it to a golduck or psyduck holding the mind plate it does 100 i think !
there is a man in the Ilex Forest that will teach headbutt to as many Pokemon as you want
Many Pokemon can at the beginning if you choose totodile it can learn headbutt.
About 10 times then you can fight your rival at certain days at the Pokemon League.
As many as you want, But you can only migrate up to 6 PokeMon a day.
There is a Move Tutor in Ilex Forest that teaches Headbutt.The man in the fenced in area of Ilex forest gives you TM Headbutt.There is no TM Headbutt. The man in Ilex just teaches any Pokemon that is capable of learning the move Headbutt.
there are many legendary Pokemon in Pokemon heartgold, but the best is HO-OH
Truthfuly, it's just luck, but sometimes it depends on how many times you run into that perticular pokemon.
I've been to Dubai many times. But, no, you cannot
there are 493 Pokemon in existence.