GOku has died 3 times in dragon ball history. one by raditz, two by cell. and three by shenron. after defeating shenron goku dies and then quickly come backs alive by the dragon balls. it is really easy to miss the third time he died.
no shenron never killed him when he defeated him he became immortal with the dragonballs
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In Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z he uses it 97 times.
Yes, Goku in Future Trunks' timeline had died of the heart virus that ravaged him.
Depends, if you are talking about Adult SSJ3 Goku from the Buu Saga or if you are talking about Adult SSJ3 Goku from DBGT. SSJ1 Kid Goku is already stronger than SSJ3 DBZ goku. Goku got a lot stronger during his training after buu, and his training during the gap between Z and GT. So SSJ3 Kid Goku is about 10 times stronger than SSJ3 Goku in DBZ. Now Adult Goku in GT in his base form was slightly above Uub, who it turn was stronger than SSJ3 kid Goku from GT. So Adult GT SSJ3 GOku is probably 20 times stronger than SSJ3 Kid goku and 200 times stronger than DBZ SSJ3 Goku. I'm confused
that's not the answer. they expect you not to think about that when you watch the series by the way this is off topic but vegeta is not a only child he has a brother named tarble you can find him in the tarble movie worng dude goku get it on with chichi befor he lift chichi was fat in bojack on bunnd she had goten befor goku soon after goku died goku get it on with befor he died
He has died 2 times. a third in a alternate time line. if you mean when he and Raditz died he was wished back, but as far as i know, he was never wished back when he died during the fight with Cell