What I did was simply give riolu a soothe bell and many of its favorite poffins and put it in the daycare for a bit then i leveled it up one time and it evolved if this fails keep trying each day if you really want lucario P.S. lucario learns aura sphere at level 37 i hope this helped you.
in order to hatch a riolu egg you need to walk about 5,000-6,000 steps
it takes 6500 steps to 8000
around 10000 steps
It takes between 6630 - 6884 steps to hatch a Riolu egg. The number of steps needed can be reduced to 3315 - 3442 steps if you have a Pokemon with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor in your team.
It can take between 6630 to 6884 steps to hatch a Riolu egg. The number of steps needed will be halved if you have a Pokemon with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor in your team with the egg.
in order to hatch a riolu egg you need to walk about 5,000-6,000 steps
it takes 6500 steps to 8000
around 10000 steps
It takes between 6630 - 6884 steps to hatch a Riolu egg. The number of steps needed can be reduced to 3315 - 3442 steps if you have a Pokemon with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor in your team.
It can take between 6630 to 6884 steps to hatch a Riolu egg. The number of steps needed will be halved if you have a Pokemon with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor in your team with the egg.
You need to have the egg in your party and then walk/ride your bike a few thousand steps (I don't remember exactly how many) to get it to hatch. Then Riolu will evolve into Lucario when its happiness is maxed.
It takes a Riolu Egg a maximum of 6,400 steps to hatch however each Riolu Egg is different so it could hatch earlier depending on the Egg and other factors involved.
Tyrogue has an egg cycle of 26 (the number that determines how long an egg will hatch). 1 egg cycle has 255 steps, so because Tyrogue has 26 egg cycles you do the following sum: 255x26=6630 <- That is how many steps it will take for you to hatch your tyrogue egg :)
it takes 600099084904 steps to hatch riolu which in the fastest time is at least 10 minutes
You get an egg from Riley at iron island and hatch it and it is a riolu. that's the only way. unless u trade with a friend. if you start your step-meter right when you get the egg he will hatch at exactly 6535 steps
When you hatch Riolu from an egg, it will be level 1
you get a electric Pokemon put it next to the egg and take 6000 steps then it should hatch