5355 steps. 2677 steps if a Pokemon in your Party has the Flame Body ability.
it takes till lvl 18 for me
what you need to do is when you have the egg in you pokemono team or whatever you call it, go to solacean town. there you will find a huge stright that starts from the cafe cabin and goes down till you hit a tree that is near a well. do that quite a lot. somthing like 40-50 times maby 30. it takes quite a while. i should no im hatchig my second gible and i realy dident want 2!
to make it hatch you have to ....... Step 1.put the egg in your party. Step 2.walk around. Step 3.make sure you have your party filled with electric types. Step 4 it would help to spray a repel and go from your hose to nimbasa city. Step 5.then walk straight back to your house again till it hatches
It is in Meteor Falls.Surf up the waterfall go through the cave entrance.Go down the first ladder go south till u see steps and go down the ladder its on your left.
This might work: Give a sea incense to a azumarill then put it in the four island daycare with a ditto or another azumarill that is opposite gender from the other one, wait till the old man gives you an egg hatch it and its azurill. Didn't work? You may have to get one from ruby or sapphire or emerald.
in till the tadpoles hatch. then when they all hatch the mother and father leave them
it takes up to two weeks
simples the dragonflies lay eggs and wait till they hatch :)
3 to 4 days I believe.
it takes till lvl 18 for me
Ride up and down the bike path till it hatches
13-14 days from the day the last egg is laid.
A comfortable step for most people is 2.5 feet (although this till vary according to height), so 1,050 steps would cover a distance of 2625 feet.
They do not. The female takes care of the eggs till they hatch and then on the young ones are on their own. The parents have no part in taking care of them.They also leave their young alone...
Its ok all you have to do is keep trying then it should hatch into a female this is what i do i get a full team [you have to have 1 Pokemon that can battle]then keep running till they hatch and 1 should be a female hope this helped
No, some fish will protect them though but unfortunatly other dont. Hope this helps