The number of steps varies, but the average amount of steps is 1,500. The amount of steps for an Eevee egg is 5,000. What I recommend you do is just hop on your bike and ride until you can't go farther and then, turn around and repeat. The egg will soon hatch.
If you put a pokemon like macargo, slugma, or magmortar in your party with the egg, the number of steps you have to take is way less. This is because of the abilities Magma Armor or Flame Body. So as long as you put a pokemon with those abilities in your party hatching eggs becomes much faster.
Edit: Actually the flame body or magma armor must be first in party
A thousand!
It takes about 80,000 steps for the bad mew egg to hatch.
it depends on the Pokemon try this site it has all the Pokemon and info you need
6'400 and it does not mater which version it is. hope you gain from this, to me it took 3,570 steps.
5000 steps
A thousand!
It takes about 80,000 steps for the bad mew egg to hatch.
I think ALL eggs take 15000 steps to hatch.
it depends on the Pokemon try this site it has all the Pokemon and info you need
6'400 and it does not mater which version it is. hope you gain from this, to me it took 3,570 steps.
It depends on what kind of egg it is. It takes a certain time for each Pokemon. Togepi eggs are particularly quick to hatch.
10,250 10,250 Unless you have a Pokemon with the ability flame body then it cuts it in half
5355 steps. You could use a Pokemon with the ability Magma Armour to halve the steps. The Pokemon are Slugma or Marcago or Camerupt.
the steps to hatch an egg depends on what Pokemon you have in the egg. it normally takes more steps for rarer Pokemon in the eggs. Good luck hatching eggs!!!!! ;)
It depends on the pokemon you're trying to hatch.