

Best Answer

· Utah is the only state in the U.S. that starts with U.

There are states outside of the U.S. that begin with U including:

· Upper Austria is one of 9 states in Austria

· Uttar Pradesh is one of 28 states in India

· Uttarkhand is one of 28 states in India

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Kriti Siddi

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Q: How many states begin with U?
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The names of eight states begin and end with a vowel. They are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

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U-No Bars that are sold in the United States.

What states begin with the letter u?

Utah is the only U.S. state that begins with the letter U.

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Here are some toys that begin with the letter U"Uno (card game)UnicycleUnicorn figuresUnited States jigsaw puzzle

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7 countries begin with the letter U; · Uganda · Ukraine · United Arab Emirates · United Kingdom · United States · Uruguay · Uzbekistan

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The countries that start with the letter U are:UgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited States of AmericaUruguayUzbekistan

What is a school suject that starts with U?

"United States History" and "Urban Affairs and Planning" are school subjects. They begin with the letter U.

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Which nation.

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