4 US capitals begin with H. They are * Harrisburg, PA * Helena, MO * Hardford, CT * Honolulu, HI
The US State capitals that start with H are:Harrisburg, PAHartford, CTHonolulu, HI
These Are the state capitals that start with H: Hartford, CT , Honolulu, HI, Helena, MT, and Harrisburg, PA.
One; Hawaii.
Hawaii is the only state that starts with an H.
No country in Africa begins with the letter H.
The US State capitals that start with H are:Harrisburg, PAHartford, CTHonolulu, HI
These Are the state capitals that start with H: Hartford, CT , Honolulu, HI, Helena, MT, and Harrisburg, PA.
Harrisburg, PA Hartford, CT Honolulu, Hawaii
One; Hawaii.
Hartford, Connecticut Honolulu, Hawaii Helena, Montana Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Hawaii ( Honolulu )
Hawaii is the only state that starts with an H.
The state of Hawaii and its capital Honolulu both start with H.
Hoquiam is a city in Washington State. It begins with the letter h.
1 . Hawaii