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I am searching for this also..I am on the 6th set...ive been playing for over 4 hours now and I am just not sure!

It is unlimited sets until you die. 5 waves complete a round, 3 rounds complete a set, then you have bonus rounds in between sets, unlimited sets on 8th set and ive been playing for 2 and a half hours(online co-op)and im starting to think it has 10 sets

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Q: How many rounds is there in firefight mode on Halo 3 ODST or is it endless?
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Can you get firefight on Halo 3?

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Yes, you can play firefight in Halo 3 ODST without Xbox live.

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you have to beat ODST on legendary alone or with another ODST.

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ODST does'nt have the AR.

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Bungie has already beaten you to it. It is under Firefight Classic

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Same as halo + something called Firefight

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Yes, Halo 3: ODST will feature offline cooperative Firefight mode.

Halo 3 odst what is firefight mode?

If you have played Gears of War for the Xbox 360, Firefight is similar to Horde. You basically go through a predetermined set of rounds against, again, a predetermined amount of enemies. It is a very fun mode and new addition to the Halo family.

Do you have to unlock firefight in Halo 3 odst?

Dude its on the freaking main menu.

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