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Q: How many points if you play zoo first in scrabble?
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Related questions

How many points goes to the first person out in a scrabble game?

The first person to play doubles the points for their first word, because the starting square is a double-word square.

How many points does volleyball play to?

25 unless the team is not winning by two points. If they aren't, they play till 30. the first to thirty wins at that point.

How do you get intellectual points on your tamagotchi?

you play all the games many many many times and you will get the points. ;)

What is the maximum points score you could achieve for the word Intec in Scrabble?

Zero (0), because INTEC is not an acceptable play in Scrabble.

How do you get a lot of points in first in math?

you play the math games

Can you add on to a word in scrabble?

Yes, say you played "play", you can put and "ers" and get the points for "players"

How many points do you go to when you play badminton?

1 match is played to 11 points.

How many points can you earn in regulation play?

You can scored 25 points in regulation play, but if the score is 25-24, then the team ahead must win by 2 points.

What is the easiest way to get points on first in math?

play just the facts

Why do the letter tiles of Scrabble have numbers?

The Scrabble tiles are numbered so that points can be added (during game play) or deducted (subtracting tiles only occurs at the end of the game) to see which player has the highest points. The player with the highest points wins the game.

How do you get 7000 points on first in math?

play all the games 50 times but if you do that you get more points it works i tried that

How many players can play the game scrabble?

In scrabble only Two to Four players can play.