Exodia the Forbidden One (the head) has 1000 ATK and 1000 DEF. Exodia's appendages each have 200 ATK and 300 DEF.
'Exodia the Forbidden One' has 1000 attack points.
Exodia the Forbidden One has an ATK of 1000, and a DEF of 1000.
There is no legitimate card called Exodia the Dark Master. It is a well-known fake, and has 'Infinite' for attack, which is indication enough that the card is fake.
No Exodia in a battle with mewtwo it´s a draw with arceus Exodia lose
9 total; there is exodia the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right arm of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, exodia necross, contract with exodia (spell), exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, exxod, master of the guard (not exodia specific, more of a sphinx burn deck card, but it is still considered one due to the fact that is looks EXACTLY like exodia)
'Exodia the Forbidden One' has 1000 attack points.
Exodia the Forbidden One has an ATK of 1000, and a DEF of 1000.
To get Exodia you have to have Exodia The Forbidden One, Right Leg Of The Forbidden One, Left Leg Of The Forbidden One, Right Arm Of The Forbidden One, and Left Arm Of The Forbidden One. Then, Exodia will appear on the field with 1,000 ATK and DEF points. You will win automatically after that.
There is no legitimate card called Exodia the Dark Master. It is a well-known fake, and has 'Infinite' for attack, which is indication enough that the card is fake.
800 Microsoft points
He has over 1,000 points.
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Regular exodia is better in my opinion
i am just guessing that it would be about infinaty and one but im not sure but i have 7 of this card and i might sell them for 2.00 dollars us