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You should be able to run ~100 players, depending on your upload speed, processor clock speed, etc. I would recommend around 72, if you run alot of plugins.

- xDrapor

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Q: How many player slots can a 6GB ram minecraft server handle?
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How do you get slots in Minecraft?

if your the server owner there is an setting for it

Do you only have to pay once for minecraft server slots?


Do you know of a fun minecraft prison server?

yes this server is good it is quite fun and has 200 slots!

Do you have to pay pay once for minecraft server slots?

Most Minecraft server hosts require a month-to-month payment. However you can pay annually in some for a certain amount of RAM (Memory that specifies how many slots you should have)for one bigger payment.

What is the most popular minecraft server?

Probably Legendary Craft. I'm pretty sure they have around 1000 slots or it's beast

What is the best server in Minecraft?

Are you looking for a good minecraft server Features:- . Pvp server . Friendly staff . Abovee 16 staff . No lag . 24/7 . 75 slots . Always a room for new members . Awesome spawn and much more Join Now :- i.p = Web = Owner = Brood Lord

How do you stop Minecraft from logging you out of the server while your playing on it?

Servers tend to have an auto-AFK kick. (AFK = Away from keyboard) They do this to save RAM and to stop unnecessary idlers from taking up slots and memory on their server. If you move around or simply leave the server while you are gone, this won't happen. However, to stop this from happening, you can type the /afk or you can be an operator on your server.

How do you wear iorn armor on minecraft?

You open your inventory (E) and you can either shift+click the item to put it on or click and drag in to the armour slots next to your player

How do you remove the window handle on a 1989 Taurus?

Assuming its not a power window...and you wnat to remove the cranking handle... Possibility: look behind the handle for a U-shaped spring clip that fits into slots on the handle "sleeve". This clip will have two small tangs that can be levered to push it back out of the slots in the handle.

How do you put on armor minecraft?

Press E to bring up your inventory screen, your character has four armour slots, drag armour items from your inventory into the slots.

How many save slots do you have in star wars the old republic?

Character slots: Free To Play - 2 across all servers Preferred Status - 2 (soon to be 6) across all server Subscribers - 50 across all server, and 12 per server (will be changed in a near furture patch)

Has relms come out yet in minecraft pe?

Kind of..... It is there but is mostly unplayable. There are very limited server slots that are already used up, and I have never been able to connect to a realm even while following all the steps. We just have to wait for them to make it usable.