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A census is a nationwide counting of people living in a country on a set date.
Wheel of Fortune is not broadcast Live. The show is recorded in a studio with a small audience of less than a few hundred people or sometimes it is recorded on location to a larger audience. according to related question
if you are talking about play you can play as in the story mode there are 4, puting a gurl player in to the mix with dom and old players but if you mean how many people can play two people can play together in story mode but on live four people can play hope this helped :)
Over XBOX Live, there can be at the most four people playing one campaign session. On a single XBOX 360, only two people can play at the maximum.
There are four types of Yoshis in Super Mario World, each of them having a different colour and a special ability. The four types of Yoshis are listed below:Green: Green Yoshis don't have any particular special abilities.Red: Red Yoshis breathe fireballs when a Koopa shell is spat out of its mouth.Blue: Blue Yoshis sprout wings and fly when a Koopa shell is in its mouth.Yellow: Yellow Yoshis stomp on the ground when a Koopa shell is in its mouth.In addition, if a coloured Koopa shell is in a Yoshis mouth, the Yoshi will display the special ability depending on the colour of the shell. For example, if a blue shell enters a green Yoshi's mouth, the Yoshi can fly.Interestingly, if a Yoshi eats an invincible shell, it displays ALL of the aforementioned abilities.
169,529 people had died from shell shock in ww1
the fear of death and of the death of friends were two of the things a soldier had to live with. many just could not cope with the horrors they saw every day.
Shell shock was a term used in the military, especially during WWI - it was caused by the stresses of battle. Trench warfare caused soldiers to witness many horrors, leading to possible shell shock.
there are many injuries in the trenches such as shell shock, broken bones ect.
That depends on what sort of shock you are asking about. A shock can be an electric shock, or a surprise. In the US, more than 1000 people die each year from electrical shock, out of as many as 500,000 serious injuries from electrical shock.
If you had been in continuous combat in the horrible trench warfare conditions of the time you would understand. The doctors at the time thought ihe disorder was just due to hearing exploding shells and feeling the blast waves pass over the trench nonstop, thus they called it "shell shock". Now it is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and is known to be caused by any extreme usually very emotional stress (e.g. combat, rape, assault during a robbery, bad car accidents).
why do people put shock collars on there dogs
well most likely there were cooties which is a compination of lice and other bugs (the name was made by soldiers) and shell shock which was a combination of medical problems (kind of insanity) the soldiers would have nightmares every night and mumble and have diarea from shell shock and many other things
Alice Cooper. Though now many people associate shock rock with Marilyn Manson.
because they got shell shock which is a form of ptsd from the booming of the bombs