None hates minecraft
A Swedish man named Markus Persson, or as many people know him as Notch, is the creator of Minecraft. He is part of the company Mojang. This is the company that supports minecraft. Notch Is also the founder of Mojang. Now, Mojang has been bought by Microsoft for about $2 billion USD.
as of may 11, 2013, 10,450,125 minecraft accounts have been purchased.
No, Minecraft Forge is not illegal! That is why many people still use mods.
As of the date of this answer, over 42 million people have created accounts on, the game's website, and over 8,293,494 have upgraded their accounts to premium and bought the game.
None hates minecraft
A Swedish man named Markus Persson, or as many people know him as Notch, is the creator of Minecraft. He is part of the company Mojang. This is the company that supports minecraft. Notch Is also the founder of Mojang. Now, Mojang has been bought by Microsoft for about $2 billion USD.
Because minecraft is an AWESOME game.
Survival maps are constantly being created by people in the community, so there's probably thousands of maps by now, or even more! If you want to look at some then some good websites are 'Planet Minecraft' or simply the Minecraft Forum.
No, many people are using minecraft without any problems with viruses.
as of may 11, 2013, 10,450,125 minecraft accounts have been purchased.
No, Minecraft Forge is not illegal! That is why many people still use mods.
yes, many people have.
As of the date of this answer, over 42 million people have created accounts on, the game's website, and over 8,293,494 have upgraded their accounts to premium and bought the game.
14,622,189 people have bought a Minecraft account. And, it will continue to rise. Over 10,000 people buy the game a day, on average.