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Q: How many people can play on an Xbox 360 console?
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How many conterols does the Xbox 360 can used?

Both the Xbox and the Xbox 360 can have four controllers running playing at the same time, which means four people can play on one console.

How do you play Xbox 360 games on an Xbox Console?

sell your xbox, buy an xbox 360 play it ¬_¬

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You can not they are different networks restricted to each console

Can you play Xbox 360 games on an Xbox console -?

No you can't.

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You don't. Games are designed for a console and do not play on a different console

Can you Play Kinect on modded xbox with update if you have NXE?

I wouldn't play on a modded Xbox because you can get a console suspension which makes your console useless if the XBLPET issues one on your console.

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How do you play normal Xbox games on the Xbox 360 console?

Well only certain Xbox games can be played on Xbox 360, but you may also have to download a patch for you Xbox 360 console to play more games.

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Can you play an Xbox game on the Xbox 360 console?

If they were popular Xbox Orignal games then most likely you can play them on your xbox 360.