No matter how many penguins are on the iceberg, you can't tip it. Even if you have the whole iceberg full you really can't do it. It has never been done but people (including me) still try to tip it.
You can tip the iceberg, I've done it before. You need at least 50 penguins/players to tip the iceberg.I don't think you can sorry I don't have a better answer.
People did tip the iceberg but got banned forever! But it took almost the whole iceberg covered with penguins!
Currently you cannot tip the iceberg.
iceberg* not iceburg
You need 30 penguins to tip the Iceberg.
sorry bud but it wont tip
You can tip the iceberg, I've done it before. You need at least 50 penguins/players to tip the iceberg.I don't think you can sorry I don't have a better answer.
You need 100 penguins on the iceberg dancing or drilling.
People did tip the iceberg but got banned forever! But it took almost the whole iceberg covered with penguins!
i takes about a few hours and you need a lot of penguins.
get a group of penguins to go to the iceberg. when you are all there, go to the tip of the iceberg and get all the penguins to turn light blue. There! you've sunk the iceburg!
you get a lot of coins
The iceberg doesn't tip. Club penguin Team said so. They said the iceberg has never been tipped and it will never tip. Sorry but it does not tip.
i have never experienced it but fifty or more penguins with puffles dance in a group, the berg should tip. there are lots of theories, but i have never experienced it so im not sure.
all you have to do is get 60 penguins on the left side of the iceberg and either dance or drill on that side of the ice berg then it will tip!