That would depend on your current level. Besides, you may also want to know how much it costs with other methods (other types of planks, in this case). Therefore, I recommend you use an online runescape skill calculator, which lets you do this type of experimentation.
To get a skill cape you must get 99 in the one of the following skills Attack:99 Strength:99 Defence:99 Magic:99 Range:99 Prayer:99 Constitution:99 Mining:99 Smithing:99 Herblore:99 Agility:99 Slayer:99 Farming:99 Hunter:99 Construction:99 Summoning:99 Crafting:99 Thieving:99 Firemaking:99 Fishing:99 Cooking:99 Runecrafting:99 Dungeonearing:99 or true skill mastery:120. Hope this helped :)
Cut the highest level trees you can cut with the best hatchet you can cut with nonstop.Edit: From levels 1-30,cut regular trees.Levels 30-50, cut oak logs.levels 50-70, cut willows.levels 70-99 f2p cut yews or willows. Do you want money or experience?levels 70-99 p2p cut choking ivy or magics. Do you want money or experience?There are three ways.CashFast expor a mixture of both.For cash go from 1-15 regular trees, 15-60 oak -may be slower- 60-99 you can do yews and fletch then into yew long bows or go from 60-75 then 75-99 magics -very slow-Fast exp- 1-15 regular 15-30 oaks 30-60 willows 60-70 you can go to sawmill or 65-99 ivy by castle wars... (sacred clay hatchets)!!!!
99 floors
Creating oak dungeon doors using Stealing Creation hammers
Look up a magic calculator, then how many times you have to plank-make from 86-99 magic, then add the prices of the planks + runes to cast the spell together, to get the cost.
yes I am 99% positive that you can make a pool cue out of oak wood
a lot....
you will need to burn 217k for lvl 15-99 firemaking, but i would suggest maple logs because you only need to burn 95k of them and they a reasonable cheap, 100k maple logs is around 4mil, which isn't bad for a 99
There is a guy called Lonezer0, he has 99 construction.
go to oak and press L
To get a skill cape you must get 99 in the one of the following skills Attack:99 Strength:99 Defence:99 Magic:99 Range:99 Prayer:99 Constitution:99 Mining:99 Smithing:99 Herblore:99 Agility:99 Slayer:99 Farming:99 Hunter:99 Construction:99 Summoning:99 Crafting:99 Thieving:99 Firemaking:99 Fishing:99 Cooking:99 Runecrafting:99 Dungeonearing:99 or true skill mastery:120. Hope this helped :)
I have placed a link below that will take you to a guide that should have the information you require.
Fletching for members. (Maybe construction if your willing to spend 200m). For nonmembers cooking
99 names