Theyre video game characters, they don't get tired, but they do go at 768 mph (coming from sonic team)
shadow can run as fast as sonic. which means he runs at speed of sound.
If you have watched the Sonic X episode where Sonic faces off with Shadow, they would be the same speed. Sonic has his shoes that make him run really fast, where shadow's trademark hover shakes propel him at extreme speeds that rival those of Sonic.
silver, tough he is like sonic an shadow he cant run as fast he a psycic
No Shadow the Hedgehog is far stronger, in Shadow's own words "I can't outrun Sonic, but I can out Fight him." This appeared in one of the many comics. Shadow has the ability of tapping into Chaos powers even without chaos emeralds. "Sonic needs all 7 in order to do this." So what can Sonic do Spin Dash? Run Fast? doesn't matter if Shadow uses chaos Control on him. Long story Short "SHADOW IS VICTORIOUS! So there for don't vote for Sonic if you dont know what your talking about or he's just your favorite. Think about this stuff before you post....yeah what he said XD shadow is better...but i kno whats better than both of them ..........SHADIC YAY
Sonic can run at 3000 kilometers per hour.
shadow runs as fast as sonic
Sonic is faster than shadow because shadow basically cheats. He doesn't run, he skates and has rocket shoes. Sonic just runs, with no tricks.
shadow can run as fast as sonic. which means he runs at speed of sound.
If you have watched the Sonic X episode where Sonic faces off with Shadow, they would be the same speed. Sonic has his shoes that make him run really fast, where shadow's trademark hover shakes propel him at extreme speeds that rival those of Sonic.
sonic. i'll give you my reasons. 1. he's faster. 2. he has a better voice than shadow. 3. he dosen't act stupid. those are my reasons. Shadow can use guns and run as fast as sonic (If he wanted to).
Sonic does run fast but shadow is the same speed and I think he can go faster and he can tell aport but for me shadow can go faster Han people think he can go faster.
no one can. Sonic can run faster than 300 miles per hour!
Because uncle chuck made sonic those shoes he wears to let him run at sonic speed.
silver, tough he is like sonic an shadow he cant run as fast he a psycic
my 02' has 127000 miles and i run her hard... I bought a 01 goldwing with 130000 miles but im going to keep the shadow for work until something major goes wrong with her
Sonic Adventure DX is the remake of Sonic Adventure, which was originally for the Dreamcast. Shadow first appeared in Sonic Adventure 2, and made his first Nintendo appearance with Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for the Gamecube. Since Adventure 2 came after Adventure, Shadow never appears in Sonic Adventure DX. Oddly enough, the Dark/Run/Run Chao is the same in both games. Either SEGA had plans for Shadow while they were making SA1, they based Shadow loosely off of that chao, or is simply a coincidence. no you cant, but you can download Shadow the Hedgehog hack from To add the hack extract the RAR file then move the folder you downloaded to a folder named system on your SADX directory
No Shadow the Hedgehog is far stronger, in Shadow's own words "I can't outrun Sonic, but I can out Fight him." This appeared in one of the many comics. Shadow has the ability of tapping into Chaos powers even without chaos emeralds. "Sonic needs all 7 in order to do this." So what can Sonic do Spin Dash? Run Fast? doesn't matter if Shadow uses chaos Control on him. Long story Short "SHADOW IS VICTORIOUS! So there for don't vote for Sonic if you dont know what your talking about or he's just your favorite. Think about this stuff before you post....yeah what he said XD shadow is better...but i kno whats better than both of them ..........SHADIC YAY