Words that can be made from the letters in 'own' are nowand won.
Those letters will spell skid and kids.
Words that can be made from AEHT, using each letter only once:A and THEAT and HEHATEHEAT
dose does odes
alme, lame, male, meal
Words that can be made from the letters in 'own' are nowand won.
Those letters will spell skid and kids.
A meaningful movement made with hands or body is often referred to as a gesture. Gestures can convey emotions, intentions, or messages without the need for words.
Words that can be made from AEHT, using each letter only once:A and THEAT and HEHATEHEAT
you can make the words not,in, on,sat,ton,rat,tar,tin,sin,vest,eat,no,rest,and if you can use letters more than once nation. i think there are more but it might take forever to list them all. So the answer is......... like 13 or 14.
dose does odes
No, but it helps.
Words that can be made form the letters in 'duckling' are:clingclinkclungclunkcuddigdindingduckduckingdugdundungdunkgildgingnuguildgungunkIidilkininkkidkilnkinkindkinglicklidlinklucidluckluglungnicknil
alme, lame, male, meal
Two 1)able 2)bale
1: lane 2: lean 3: elan 4:anel
Words that can be made form the letters in 'extreme' are:exertmemeetmeremetmetemeter or metreteeteemtermtree