they say that there is 13 but there is only 6 0r 7
lol stupid guy they mean they are going to make 13 not there is 13 lolololol yeah there is 7 though. (new user) there have only been 6 or 7 yet, but there will be 13
Xing and Xang are said to come out soon in the 2010 or 2011. its really weird how the 3rd lord of chaos came first than the 2nd PS. they r more powerful then escherion (1st lord of chaos)
i have aqw account her is my char page i want to trade or sell it my email is makisaad add or pm me if u r interested
*cardclasher You have to buy AQW Battle On Battle Cards from Heromart/ Toys r Us in the US. There is a card in there with a code on it. Redeem the code here and then in AQW open your Book of Lore and open the AE tab, click more and then click the "Card Clasher" achievement. If you click "Get Item" the shop will open
The drop rate is 50% so you should get it in two kills. Make sure luck is in your side because it will take you 4 or more kills if unlucky is on your side *throws lag off the cliff*--ferrite(delete the extra r).
there r 496 Pokemon in johto and sinnoh combined.....but i don't know how many there r in johto alone..........
first type in this /join stalagbite and hit enter then go up the rocks and there you r stalagbite and vath
Xing and Xang are said to come out soon in the 2010 or 2011. its rlly weird how the 3rd lord of chaos came first than the 2nd PS. they r more powerful then escherion (1st lord of chaos)
Xing and Xang are said to come out soon in the 2010 or 2011. its really weird how the 3rd lord of chaos came first than the 2nd PS. they r more powerful then escherion (1st lord of chaos)
R. R. Mukhin has written: 'Ocherki po istorii dinamicheskogo khaosa' -- subject(s): Deterministic chaos, Mathematical physics, Quantum chaos
they started going to toys r us at around the second birthday
You can Buy them at Toys R us
Get all the Chaos Emeralds.
Rules is a children's book by Cynthia Lord. It begins with the letter r.
i have aqw account her is my char page i want to trade or sell it my email is makisaad add or pm me if u r interested
suck yo fhaggot asoles dat r noobs