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I've only gotten to level 36, So I'm guessing a lot.

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Q: How many levels does dig dug have?
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How many rounds are there in dig dug?

There is 256 Levels of Dig Dug and I've only can get to level 10.

What has the author Richard Everett written?

Richard Everett has written: 'Dig and Dug on the Road (Dig & Dug)' 'Present from the past' 'Dig and Dug on the Building Site (Dig & Dug)'

When did Dig Dug happen?

Dig Dug happened in 2600.

When was Dig Dug created?

Dig Dug was created in 1982.

What is the second form dig?

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What is the past tenses dig?

base verb = dig. Dig the garden before I get back!past = dug. I dug the garden as quick as I could.past participle = I have dug the garden.

What is the past form of dig?

The past form of "dig" is "dug."

What is the past participle of dig?

The past participle of "dig" is "dug."

What is the past pasticiple of dig?

The past participle of "dig" is "dug."

When did Dig Dug Deeper happen?

Dig Dug Deeper happened in 2001.

When did Dig Dug II happen?

Dig Dug II happened in 1985.

When was Dig Dug II created?

Dig Dug II was created in 1985.