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Q: How many levels does buried relic have?
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How many floors are they in relic cavern?

Do you mean Buried Relic? Buried Relic has 99 floors in total. Good luck.

In Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team how many floors is the buried relic?

The dungeon Buried Relic consists of 99 floors.

Where do you go after buried relic?

After buried relic, you go to booty meat jelly tower.

How many missions do you have to do until you get buried relic?

your mailbox has to be empty then after doing 3 missions then you will get a it, talk to ludicolo then talk to alakazam and then you can go 2 the buried relic.

Where do i find regg i's in red rescue team?

Regirock-15th floor of Buried Relic, Regice-25th floor of Buried Relic, Registeel-35th floor of Buried Relic.

How many floors are in buried relic in red rescue team?


How do you unlock buried relic on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

you have to do some missions and then the pelipper will send you a note saying buried relic found then talk to shiftry he will give you access to the buried relic. PS the buried relic is 99 floors down so bring a lot of reviver seeds! your welcome

How many floors has the buried relic at Pokemon red rescue team?


How many floors in the buried relic on Pokemon red mystery dungeon?


How many floors does buried relic have on Pokemon blue rescue team?


How do you get mew in Pokemon dungeon?

Go to Buried Relic. Find the rock, ice, and steel pieces, then mew will appear on levels 38-99.

How many floors does buried relic have on Pokemon red rescue team?

99F! Long!