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There are four mines.

The first one has no animals, and each hole can only drop you one floor. There are only ten floors, and once you hit the end fight off a black chick and go back up the stairs.

The second mine has 255 floors and you can fall up to ten floors at a time. Many animals are in this one, and at the end beat all of them on 255 to get Keira, the sleeping beauty to give you a legendary sword, unlocking the area behind the waterfall.

The third mine has 999 floors, and nothing special happens much here.

The fourth mine contains the wonderful stones, and when you collect all nine the Harvest Goddess will grant you a wish. There are 65,535 floors, and Keira lives on the 255th floor of this mine.

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Q: How many levels are there inside the mine on harvest moon ds?
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In harvest moon Ds how many floors are there in the second mine?

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