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This is only a game for children, not physics !

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Q: How many kilojoules are in 100 grams of monster munch?
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I want to know this too!

How many grams of sugar are in MONSTER?

There are 16 grams of suger in monster.

How many kilojoules are there in a croissant?

There are about 1247kj and 15 fat grams for an average unfilled croissant.

How many kilojoules in a glass of skim milk?

A glass of full cream milk contains almost 10 grams of fat and roughly 738 kilojoules compared to low fat or skim milk, which has between two grams and zero grams of fat and between 495 โ€“ 375 kilojoules. Benefits of drinking low fat milk

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How many kilojoules in a potatoe?

One Large Potato with weight of 369 grams has 321.9 KJ. Comprehensive Kilojoule charts for most food types can be found at

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How many kilojoules in 170 calories?

170 calories = 0.71128 kilojoules

How many carbohydrates in Monster drinks?

A 16 oz. can of Monster Energy Drink has 54 grams of carbs, all from sugars.

How many kilojoules a teenager supposed to consume per day and why?

i think about 5000 kilojoules

How many calories and grams of fat are in java monster drinks?

Look on the back of the can.

If there is 66G in a food product then how many KJ?

To convert grams (g) of a food product to kilojoules (KJ), you need to know the specific energy content of the food. Different macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fats) provide different amounts of energy per gram. You would need the breakdown of these nutrients in the food product to accurately convert grams to kilojoules.