Zero, only the Arcade unit has internal storage built in. Otherwise you need an HDD to save games.
Yes, you need a hard drive to play original Xbox games because the hard drive contains the emulator that allows the original Xbox games to play on 360
Well first of all you have to have Star Wars Battlefront2 for the origional Xbox and you have to have an xbox 360 with a hard drive of 60 or more Gigs and then it will play on your Xbox 360 console and other rigional xbox games will also play on your xbox 360 console when you have a 60 or more gig hard drive
yes you can, the type of xbox360 it is (elite, pro, arcade.) does not affect who you can play xbox live w/. the main difference is memory in hard drive, and the elite is black. The arcade can't play old xbox games
all of them a pretty good, but in terms of memory, the elite is the best one, it has 120gb hard drive. the pro has a 60gb and the arcade has no hard drive but 215mb of internal memory.
the newer one is smaller quiet and holds more in the hard drive. Another thing is that in the newer one you can't use the regular xbox hard drive for it. Lastly the newer one has built in wifi and is better than the adapter for the old xbox 360's
Simply remove the Elite hard drive from the Xbox360 Elite and insert it into the Xbox360's.
An Elite Xbox 360 has a bigger hard drive.
Yes, if you buy a bigger hard drive.
yer it can
Xbox 360 Elite features a 120gb hard drive and the Xbox 360s features both a 4 and 250gb setup. So the answer is both but the Slim has the capability for a bigger hard drive.
its the same HD as an elite
i have an exbox elite but to be honest their is not really anything different exept from the colour (which is black for the elite) and the size of the hard drive (the hard drive for the elite is a bit of overkill though)
Yes, you can.
they are all the same they just have different hard drives Xbox arcade has no hard drive so you use memory sticks Xbox 360 has a average hard drive Xbox 360 Elite has a MASSIVE hard drive that can hold videos, pictures, save files, etc except they MIGHT have come out on diffenrt dates and my ges is elite
You can put any xbox 360 hard drive on any 360 version