Minecraft's recommended amount of specs is to have at least 1 GB of space, however the absolute bare minimum is 500MB. With 3 - 4GB's, you should be good to play on some higher settings!
more than 9 gb
I'm assuming you mean "How many Gigabytes does World of Warcraft use or take up?" The answer is approximately 17.5GB. That is the size of my file atleast.
When you install WoW, it install all expansions and patches up to the current client. This is even true if you do not upgrade your account to BC or Wrath. So it will take about 15 gigabytes.
2.575 GB
Gigabytes?! It should NOT be much, unless it is a combination of 1,000s of minecraft mods. Minecraft mods take up very little space. Just be sure to have winrar or 7zip.
Minecraft's recommended amount of specs is to have at least 1 GB of space, however the absolute bare minimum is 500MB. With 3 - 4GB's, you should be good to play on some higher settings!
Some good mods are Toomanyitems, xray, or the moon mod if you have 1.8. They do not have much GB either. They work better in MyCraft.
up to 32 or 64 gb
it takes .93 on ipod
more than 9 gb
50 GB
6 to 8 GB
You can put roughly 2,000 songs on an 8 gigabyte iPod, give or take other things that take up space on your iPod.
Including all the DLC 12244MB is the amount of hard drive space Borderlands takes up. So that's just over 12 Gigabytes. However the base game without any of the DLC should take up about 8 Gigabytes.
6.1 GB. YOu should have at least one extra GB (7.1 in total) for CC and saved games.