There are 11 letters in the word "Mississippi."
CONNECTICUT 11 letters.
There are total of 11 letters in this word.
Some foods that have the letters AI in them are:angel hair pastagrainraisinsshrimp cocktail
"Colonialist" has 11 letters, including 3 pairs of matching letters, so the letters can be arranged in: 11! / (2! * 2! * 2!) = 4,989,600 ways.
There are 51 letters in the Bengali Alphabet, 11 Vowels and 40 Consonants.
Xouba (a sardine) and yogurt are foods that begin with the letters x and y.
11!/(2!2!2!)=11!/6=6652800 [It would be 11! if all of the letters were different, but you divide by two for each of the three letters which appear twice: m,a,t.]
There are 11 letters with only one line of symmetry.