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9 floors

hope that helps!!! Actualy9 1/2

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Q: How many floors does shimmer desert have in Pokemon darkness?
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How many floors are there in shimmer desert for Pokemon?

There are 10 floors.

How many floors does shimmer desert have in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness?

10+ bottom ( groudon boss fight - about 600 hp)

How many floors are in shimmer desert in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky?

9 + summit

Where is the Pokemon groundon found on Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness?

the real groudon is in Shimmer desert. It can only be obtained by Wonder Mail if u dont want to wait for the is the code for shimmer desert: #&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y the dungeon is kinda easy. Its 9 floors. Hope this helps!

How many floors does shimmer desert have?

a about 30or40

In explorers of darkness how many floors are there in the shimmer desert dungeon?

there are about 70 0dd not realy surer im at the floor 67 then at the top groudon

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Crystal Cave has 12 floors in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness.

How many floors does sky stairway have in Pokemon explore of darkness?

50 Floors

How do you unlock Shining Hill on Pokemon Darkness?

I think you mean Shimmer Hill. You unlock it by accepting a job with. As for its location, Deoxys is on the 17th floor if you have secret slab. It has 18 floors. The last one has some boxes.

How do you recruit castform in mystery dungeon explorers of darkness?

CASTFORM is found on floors 1 thru 17 inside SHIMMER HILL..VERONICA

How many floors is bottomless sea in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness?

there are no floors........Uhhh.....There are 50 floors. :))

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