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it has 11floors

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Q: How many floors does deep amp plains have?
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Is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon sky explorers worth it?

yes, if you played pmd explor. of dark/time. you will se the change.special episodiesnew bossesif you're shinx the amp plains boss is macnetricnew dungeonsnew charactersnew legendariesnew itemsnew adventuresnew musicplayable everything

How do you encounter Zapdos in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon sky?

How to recruit zapdos in explorers of the sky? First, you need the Secret Slab or Mystery Part in your inventory. Either one works. If you have one of them, Zapdos will appear on the 7th floor of Amp Plains. Its recruit rate is only 10%

What is a three letter word using letters from the word companies clue is energy drink?

Nos. Amp

In Pokemon explorer of darkness where are all the legendary?

Uxie, Azelf, and Mespirit are at the lakes, Dialga is at temporal tower, Palkia at spacial rift, the following need secret slab or mystery part Zapdos 7f amp plains, Mewtwo in dark crater 6f, Raikou concealed ruins 20f, Entei deep dark crater 10f, Lugia surrounded sea 18f, Ho-Oh Mt. Mistrtal 19f, Latias spacial rift 19f or happy outlook 10, Latios midnight forest 24f, Deoxys shimmer hill 17f, Darkrai miracle sea 3f, Moltres final maze 40f, Suicune final maze 29f, the Regis aegis cave, Jirachi final mze 23f, Cresselia joins after beating Darkrai, Manaphy joins at a random time, Celebi is only on explorers of time, wonder mail for these places, Heatran giant volcano peak, Articuno Mt. avalanche, Giratina world abyss 30f, Kyogre bottomless sea 50f, Groudon shimmer desert 10f, Rayquaza sky stairway apex, Mew mystery jungle, info from videos legendaries in PMD darkness and PMD seven treasures.

How do you get into the Diglett's Cave in Soul Silver?

After you get the Power Plant up and running, go to a guy with brown clothes on in the Kanto Radio Tower and he will amp up your pokegear. Go to the Snorlax blocking your way into the Diglett's Cave and turn on the pokegear. Go to the music section and put the beacon up until it says Poke Flute. Then talk to Snorlax.

Related questions

How many floors are there in far amp plains?

there are 10 floors in amp plains and 9 floors in far amp plains. in the 10th floor of far amp plains, you battle a boss! (i'm not saying who!)

How many floors are in amp plains?


How many floors are there in amp plains?

there are about 11 or more floors n the second section has 8 floors

How many floors in amp plains?

there are 9 and on the 10 there is the luxio tribe boss

How do you get a Pikachu on mystery dungeon darkness?

It can be you, or your partner.Or, after beating Primal Dialga, you can get one at certain floors of amp plains or far amp plains.

How do you get to amp plains in Pokemon explorers of darkness?

after you beat mnt horn which is 14 floors

How do you get a pichu in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness?

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer of Darkness, you can find Pichu in the dungeon that is called the Amp Plains and it can be found in another section of the dungeon called Far Amp Plains, in the regular Amp Plains it can be found on Floors 9 and 10 while in the Far dungeon it can be found on Floors 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Where do you get a Pichu in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorer of darkness?

From Pichu can be recruited in Amp Plains, on the ninth and tenth floors.

Where can you find a Pichu in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time?

You can find one on Amp Plains on floors 1-4 and 9-10. Hope this helped! =) If it did, please trust point me!=)

Where is the water float in Pokemon explorers of sky?

In Pokemon Explorers of Sky, the Water Float is in Amp Plains. You have to go through 20 floors then go against manectric and 8 elektrike.

Where do you find a Pichu in Pokemon black 2?

you get him/her at deep amp plains vary rare.

Do you need to put in a wondermail to get amp plains on explorers of time?

No you need to be at the dusknoir chapter then marill will tell you to go to amp plains