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I think there are 42 episodes in yugioh season 1.

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How many episodes are in Yugioh?

I think there was 225 episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh

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You can get the from torrent sites. But downloading them is illegal. So do it at your own risk.

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Where can i download Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's episodes...?

I think you might be able to on this site: If your looking for the dubbed version season 1,2 and some of season 3 can be found here

Is there episode 181 of yu-gi-oh gx going on?

Unfortunately, no. There were supposed to be 180 episodes dubbed in English, but after 155 or 156, 4KidsTV (now Vortexx), decided to go and start Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds. And that was during the last episodes of season 3 of GX

Where can i watch Yu gi oh gx season 4?

The producers of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX decided to stop making Yu-Gi-Oh! GX when they got to episode 156 (the last episode of season one), even when Japan finished their fourth season. They decided to go straight to Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. But, you can watch Yu-Gi-Oh! GX episode 156-180 with subtitles on youtube or google videos.