In regards to PKMN Diamond and Pearl versions, there are two pkmn eggs obtainable as gifts. The first is that of a Happiny, obtained from the NPC Traveling Man in Hearthome City. The second is that of Riolu, obtained from the NPC Riley, after driving out the Glactic Grunts on Iron Island.
Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.
No,but there sort of is for hatching eggs
pokemon that have the abiliti magma armor cammerupt,sluga,and macargo or ar code for quick egg hatch
there are about 7 dog Pokemon in diamond and pearl.
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
This is Pokemon. Not runescape. You can't get Easter eggs in Pokemon ;)
you can get diffrent Pokemon eggs with the diffrent Pokemon u use
talk to lots of people and they give you eggs
alot...all Pokemon with genders can have eggs well i don't think that cressila and heatran count though. no legendaries or genderless pokemoncan have eggs.
no you can not have legendary Pokemon eggs unless you went to a Nintendo event
You can get one in hearthome city.
the Pokemon have to be opposite genders and have the same type
no you cant!!!!
Dialga and Palkia are the legendary Pokemon mascots of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl respectively. As they are legendary Pokemon, they cannot be bred to produce eggs.
using action replay codes also hatching from eggs.