There are 9 words that can be made out of "rest" if you count all of the following:
Words that are in ALL CAPS are abbreviations.
Not counting abbreviations and proper nouns, 8 words can be made.
("rest" is included.)
An anagram of rest is:
Oast , sent , rent , most , rest , yens , east , mast ,
yes if they are sick with flu make them rest in bed ,if they are sick with somthing different go online for cheats
Sure, Rest, Res, Sir, Ton, Ret, Rust, Rect
here are some basics, fire and air, fire water , and water and water, you should learn the rest.
We can make : East,Yeah, Past, Yes, Tease, Rest, Set, Sat, Eat, Ate, Yap, Pay, Rash, rat, Pest, Tap, Pat, Peat, Hat, Pea, Pee, Happy, Star, Tear, Tears, Steer, Pays, Heap, Art, Sap, Ape, Tape, Hype, Pear, Pester, Hear, Her, Here, There, The, Are, As, Seat. And Maybe, many more...
These are some of the words i can think of, they may be more:Forest, rest, test, station
shelter set the rest he she tree trees let sheet see lest
vice reverse ice see costume motor rice rest voice
Some of the words you can make incude rest, erst, rues, rue, rust, ruse, use, ruts, rut, suet, sure, user, true, sue, set, us.
'And rest on the ground' has 5 syllables. Each word has 1 syllable.
Colour it different from the rest of the pie chart, or separate it.
Let the rest of her words and actions be buried in eternal oblivion.
make words or phrases stand out from the rest of the page.
it is different because they have many different places coolkid 09
me, chat, tea, team, miracle,......Your figure out the rest...
you can make the words not,in, on,sat,ton,rat,tar,tin,sin,vest,eat,no,rest,and if you can use letters more than once nation. i think there are more but it might take forever to list them all. So the answer is......... like 13 or 14.
Silver Ten Lent Hell Shell Net Rest ......