

Best Answer

Words from "happy" include these:

  • hap
  • happy
  • hay
  • pay
  • yah (slang for yes)
  • yap
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Q: How many different word can you get from happy?
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How many times is happy said in happy?

The word "happy" is said once in the word "happy."

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the word happy total 3 4 5 12 or happy 5

What is the opposite of sad and not happy?

The opposite of sad and not happy is glad, meaning the same thing, but a different word.

How many letters are in the word happy into syllables?

The word happy has six letters and two syllables. The syllables of the word are hap-py.

What is a different happy word?

Synonyms are words that mean the same or close to the same thing. Some synonyms for the word "happy" would be: glad, joyful, giddy, pleased.

How many syllables are in the word happiness?

There are two syllables in the word "happy."

How many times is the word happy found in the bible?

In the King James version the word - Happy - appears 28 times the word - happier - appears once

Do people sing happy birthday in China?

different word but same meaning, i was chinese

What is a definition of the prefix?

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to create a word with a different meaning.Examples : refill , undo, incomplete, precooked

Can the word happy be a noun?

The word 'happy' is an adjective, a word that describe a noun: a happy baby, a happy time.The noun form for the adjective happy is happiness.

What is the root word of happieness?

The root word for happiness is HAPPY.

What is the hawaiian word for happy?

The Hawaiian word for happy is "hau'oli."