Words from "happy" include these:
2,because y is a vowel..
Words that can be formed from the word "different" include these:deerdeferdefinedeftdendenierdentdeterdiedietdiffdifferdindinedinerdintdiredirtdriftedediteiderendentireerefedfeefeedfeetfenfendfernfieffiendfeintfenderfetidfiefiendfifefifteenfinfindfinefinerfirfirefitfreefreedfretfriedfriendIifininertinferinterireitneenetnitniternitreRedreedreefrefrefinerefitrendRentretierideriferiftrindteeteenTentendtenderterntidetietiedtierTintindertinetiretreetreedtrend
Healthappy (healthy and happy)
happy celebration = festivites
The word "happy" is said once in the word "happy."
the word happy total 3 4 5 12 or happy 5
The opposite of sad and not happy is glad, meaning the same thing, but a different word.
The word happy has six letters and two syllables. The syllables of the word are hap-py.
Synonyms are words that mean the same or close to the same thing. Some synonyms for the word "happy" would be: glad, joyful, giddy, pleased.
There are two syllables in the word "happy."
In the King James version the word - Happy - appears 28 times the word - happier - appears once
different word but same meaning, i was chinese
A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to create a word with a different meaning.Examples : refill , undo, incomplete, precooked
The word 'happy' is an adjective, a word that describe a noun: a happy baby, a happy time.The noun form for the adjective happy is happiness.
The root word for happiness is HAPPY.
The Hawaiian word for happy is "hau'oli."