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Q: How many dead rising games are in the series?
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Is dead rising going to come out on PS3?

its debatable because games that made it to the ps3 like bioshock is widely known but not as many people know of dead rising but there will be nintedo wii release called "chop till you drop"

How many games are there in The House of the Dead series?

In the main series there are the following:The House of the Dead (1996)The House of the Dead 2 (1998)The House of the Dead III (2002)The House of the Dead 4 (2005)There are a number of spin off's too:The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return (2008)The House of the Dead: EX (2009)The House of the Dead: Overkill (2009)So in all there are a total of 7 games released in the series.

How many weapon's is there in dead rising 2?

As many as it takes

How many Zombies are in Dead Rising?

There are unlimited zombies.

Is halo better than red dead redemtion?

Halo is a series of Games out for many years where Red Dead Redemption is a single Video game released in 2010

How many Microsoft points do you need to get dead rising 2?

2080 points

In Dead Rising how many hours do you have to last to be rescued?

72:00 in game hours.

How many books will be will be written in The 39 Clues series?

There will be 10 Books in Series #1. There will be a Series #2 called Vespers Rising it will be out April 2011.

How many games are there in the Atelier Iris video game series?

There have been fifteen main games in the Atelier series which are in the Salburg series, two games in Gramnad series, three games in the Iris series, Portable games åá Role-playing video games

How many Walking Dead comics are there?

There are 193 issues of The Walking Dead comic series.

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7 Games

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