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There are 30/A Month 180/6 Months 365/A Year and Lifetime

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Q: How many days is there roblox Builders clube?
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How many people are outrageous builders on roblox?

I'm bigboy5668 on ROBLOX and I have OBC, but not too many people have OBC because it's costs a lot to have it.

What are some roblox accounts with builders club?

All the moderators have BC, also many other people have BC but there are too many to say them all in ROBLOX.

How can you get money quick on roblox?

You can buy BC (builders club) or you can try the many cheats on Http/ or you can Ask Expensivejeep he knows evreything about ROBLOX

How many days do you have to pay for builders club on roblox?

Well say you get the normal BC monthly, it's $6 and you use a credit card, then every month you will get $6 takin out of your credit card.

What is builders club on roblox?

There are several million Roblox accounts, however it is impossible to know exactly how many members there are. This is because of two reasons, first off there are constantly new members that are joining every minute. Secondly, there are many alts of other accounts, so the true number of people that play Roblox is unknown.

How do you get 99999 money in roblox?

There is no "money" in roblox, there is only tickets and robux. The only way to get that many is to work hard, make a place and get it popular. Make then sell shirts,pants and t-shirts if you have builders club.

Can you donate on Roblox without builders club?

It depends upon who has builders club. The person you are trying to donate to must have builders club in order to donate to him. This is due to a lack of an official donate system, and since there is no official system planned: buying BC people's t-shirts is the only way to donate.

Is it free to join the Builders Club on Roblox?

No, Builders Club actually costs money. If you go on the website and click on the Builder's Club tab on the website you can see the many prices there are for Builder's Club, Turbo Builder's Club, and for the Outrageous Builder's Club.

Is there any other way to become a vip on roblox then to be in the builders club?

Look for a place that says "To become VIP!" (although, there aren't many places that truly make you a VIP.)

Do you need builders club to make an ad?

No, you don't. All you need is some tix and your ad and it will be on ROBLOX.

How can you make a lot of money on roblox without builders club?

You could buy robux, 400 for $20, have many people visit your place, own ambassodor links, or log on every day.

Who many groups can you own on roblox?

On Roblox, users can create and manage multiple groups. There is no specific limit to the number of groups a user can own, but there are restrictions based on the user's membership level. For free accounts, the limit is 5 groups, while Premium members can own up to 100 groups. This allows users to create and manage a variety of communities and projects within the Roblox platform.