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Q: How many common names can you make from the letters LGNEA using all the letters for each word?
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How many common English words can you make the the letters LGNEA using all the letters in each word?

angel, angle, glean

What animal can you spell with the letters lnd?

Using all three letters, the only animal is a young duck, a duckling.Using common names, there is a crustacean known as a land crab.Also, a baby arachnid is a spiderling.Animals beginning with any of the letters include:leopardlionlizardllamanettlefishnarwhalnutriadeerdogdolphinduck

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What are some rules about using capital letters in a sentence?

When you using capital letters you have to be very careful. Always use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and with proper nouns (names, places, etc.)

What is the advantage of using scientific names instead using common names?

Precise determination of species and clarity of communication.

You refer to specific pitches or tones with letter names using the letters A through G?

Yes, specific pitches or tones are referred to using the letters A through G.

Find names of things using these specific letters a-r-o-i-d?


Why don't Japanese cars have Japanese names?

They do. Toyota Matsuda Nissan but they do not write in Japanese letters. they retain their Japanese names. but writing using letters of the alphabet. to be easily understood by everyone

What names can be made using home row letters only?

Hal Jada Al Gaga

List 8 letter country Names using 12 simmilar Letters?

THAILAND, Ethiopia

What is the advantage of using scientific names instead of using common names like cat or dog?

An organism's scientific name is recognized worldwide.

What is family guys names in french?

It's the same thing as in english because it is a show, using capital letters.