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Q: How many cod point is the ak47 in call of duty black ops?
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What is the strongest gun in Call of Duty Black Ops?

a MAC 11 or an AK47

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What is the best sub machine gun in call of duty black ops?

I would have to say....... the ak74-u (ak47-u idk if its 47 or 74) with grip and suppresor

Does call of duty black ops for wii earn achievements?

No. It has no point award system.

Can you get an AK47 as a secondary weapon on call of duty reflex?

Yes you can get it as a secondary weapon but you have to unlock the perk overkill.

Is Call of Duty World at War a Prequel to Call Of Duty Black Opst?

The call of duty world at war is not a prequel to call of duty black opst.

What campaign is better Call of Duty Black Ops or Call of Duty World at War?

call of duty black ops

What are all the assault rifles in all of the call of duty games?

Here is a full list of all the assault rifles in the Call of Duty series: Call of Duty 1, 2 and 3: MP44 Call of Duty 4: M16A4 M4A1 AK47 G36C M14 MP44 G3 Call of Duty: World at War: STG-44 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: M4A1 FAMAS SCAR-H TAR-21 FAL M16A4 ACR F2000 AK-47 Call of Duty: Black Ops: M16 Enfield M14 Famas Galil AUG FN FAL AK47 Commando G11 STG-44 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: M4A1 M16A4 SCAR-L Type 95 MK14 AK-47 ACR 6.8 G36C CM901 FAD Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (This list may not be 100% accurate as Black Ops 2 is not released until November): AK-47 AN-94 Type 95 M16 Galil Type 25 XM8 M4A1 M8A1 Commando

What is the title of the new call of duty?

it is called call of duty black ops.

Who made Call of Duty black ops?

Call of Duty: Black Ops was made by Treyarch