1 unless you have scavanger, then when somebody dies you can pick up a second one
Modern Warfare sold 7.4 million copies in the first 24 hours.
about 18 levels
10 Prestiges.
therer are 2 or 3
no, if you have scavenger and you place two, one will disappear.
NO you cant but u can in black ops
You Have to destroy 120 enemy devices as they say such as claymores tactical insertions and so on
It makes all enemy footsteps louder along with showing you enemy equipment like C4 and Claymores.
None. the first ones are in Modern Warfare 2.
Modern warfare reflex and modern warfare are the same. Modern warfare "reflex" means that its for wii. If its just modern warfare its for the other consoles
There are a total of 70 levels (ranks) in Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer.
Modern warfare 2
about 4.5 million copies of modern warfare 2 were preorderderd just in Europe !
modern warfare 2 is better .
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2