There are exactly 18 chapters and you'll get to that chapter around lvl 30 and completing side missions you'll be max rank lvl 50 before the last chapter.
15 chapters
No, it is not.
There are 15
There are 12 chapters.________ levels
For the Borderlands regular game it's about...ahh I'd say about $15 to $20. For the Borderlands...Game Of The Year Edition's about $30 to $40 but in the Game Of The Year Edition, you get all 4 map packs if you have Xbox Live. That's the 2 prices for the 2 version of Borderlands. See'ya!!!
Borderlands 2 was released on September 18th, 2012.
Borderlands 2 is out now.
There are 3 chapters in the book of 2 Peter.
Borderlands 2 has long since been released.
15 chapters
yes borderlands 2 is a very enjoyable game
There are 24 chapters
No, Kreig is an add-on character for Borderlands 2.
It's not necessary, no.
Borderlands 2. Rust is alpha and does not get anywhere right now
The plot of Borderlands 2 is a continuation of the plot of Borderlands 1, you meet some old faces and learn some new things about the events of the original.
4 chapters