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Under the newly released Master Rules, each player (in official Duels and tournaments) must follow the guidelines below:

  • Main Deck: No less than 40 cards. No more than 60 cards. A player is allowed to have any amount in between. Cannot contain any cards currently on the Forbidden section of the Forbidden/Limited Card List. Can only contain up to 3 copies of a card in the Deck and Side Deck combined. Cannot contain Fusion or Synchro Monsters.
  • Side Deck: Must contain 15 cards exactly; no more, no less. A player may choose to not have a Side Deck at all. Cannot contain any cards currently on the Forbidden section of the Forbidden/Limited Card List. Can only contain up to 3 copies of a card in the Deck and Side Deck combined. Cannot contain Fusion or Synchro Monsters.
  • Extra Deck: Can contain up to 15 cards. There is no minimum amount of cards that must be included in the Extra Deck. Cannot contain any cards currently on the Forbidden section of the Forbidden/Limited Card List. Can only contain up to 3 copies of a Synchro or a Fusion Monster.
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14y ago
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14y ago

The earlier rules were 40+ but the newest is 40-60

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Q: How many cards can you have in a yugioh deck?
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How many field cards are allowed in a yugioh deck?

there is no limit

How many cards can you have in a Yugioh deck in the old rules?

40 or more.

How many cards do you need to have a complete completed deck for yugioh?


What is a deck in newspapers?

yugioh cards are made by paper so i will tell you how to get your yugioh cards for free all you have to do is go to i make yugioh cards and you can make your own yugioh cards so now you kown how to make your yugioh cards.

What is a deck in the newspaper?

yugioh cards are made by paper so i will tell you how to get your yugioh cards for free all you have to do is go to i make yugioh cards and you can make your own yugioh cards so now you kown how to make your yugioh cards.

How many cards should be in a yu gi oh deck?

Well, the minimum in a yugioh deck is 40 cards maximum 80cards. Most people try to have a smaller deck over a larger deck, to get cards they need. About a 40-50 card deck is good.

What cards should you remove from your Yugioh deck to make it have forty cards?

Take out duplicates and cards that you cannot use or do not have the cards required.

Name cards you need to make a yugioh deck?

magic trap and monster

Action replay codes 5 cards in deck yugioh chapionship 2008?

Theres a No Deck Limit code where you can have 5 cards in your deck... the code is D21C31BE 0100AA00 121C31BE 0000EA00

How much cards supposed to be in one yugioh deck?

40-60 but go for 40

What is zane's deck made up of in yugioh tag force evoulution?

YOUR FACE and cyber cards

How many crystal beast are you allowed to have for each crystal beast Yugioh deck?

You can have up to 3 copies of each card of the Crystal Beast series in your Deck. There is no limit to the amount of Crystal Beast cards you can have in a Deck.